DISCLAIMER: This is a test webpage for me to practice with building a website. Personally, this is more fun than using Squarespace, albiet harder...
A few years back, I tried to teach myself javascript. It wasn't bad, far from it actually. I learned how to code a button and an alert for when you pressed it. The only issue is that I begun with only javascript, and a PDF for it at that. Worst mistake was trying to learn a new skill in a way that I find it hard to learn.
So as you cam imagine, I gave up on that route pretty quickly. Fortunately, I decided a while later that maybe it was worth giving a try again. That was when I realized that coding actually can change and you need to start with a comeoketely different language. I heavily dislike change in certain situations, and I gave up the idea of coding again.
Some odd years later, I find myself looking up online courses for free, and now I'm considering actually going to collage. I never thought I'd say(or type) those words. But hey, there's a first time for everything, yeah?
This website is going to be kind of a blog? Just on my coding journey, nothing more. It'll include updates and random thoughts, maybe a riddle or two. Stay tuned, I guess!
This was how I was making this website at first. I do have a computer that I use, but I also have an app on my phone. But the AI on it is really annoying...
I also had to Google a lot of attributes in this code. I once heard from a tips video that Google would be my best friend in tinkering with code.
I would also like to mention that I didn't use the "style.css" file because it wasn't working(?)... I didn't search that far but the way I'm doing it now seems to work just fine.